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Tregroes Waffles
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Tregroes Waffles

The Uk’s only baked waffle

The tiny, rural village of Tregroes, is a fitting home for 40 years of artisan waffle production that all started when Dutchman Kees Huysmans visited and never went home.
Falling in love with the beautiful Teifi Valley and learning to speak Welsh, his waffle craftsmanship has today grown to become a successful employee-owned cooperative.

Having collaborated with the team for nearly three decades, we have gained a profound insight and understanding of their product and its market potential.

Our recent support has included a complete brand audit aligned with their ambitions for growth.

Project Expertise

Tregroes Waffles – 3D & Motion

Transferring the packaging designs directly to 3D allows us to conceptualise the finished product.
A benefit for work in process, print manufacture and retail whilst saving the added cost of pack photography.

Supporting photography & video content is captured by our in-house team.

Tregroes Waffles
Tregroes Waffles – Digital

Updating the Tregroes Waffles brand has allowed us to present a deeper and more compelling online narrative whilst presenting their exceptional products on a dual, e-commerce shopping platform.

  • Dual trade and public e-commerce website
  • Videos
  • Location search
  • Animations
  • SEO Content Audit
Reason to cheer
Reason to cheer

Celebrating the season of International Rugby and International Women’s Day…

Art Work
Art Work

Eric Gill, in his 1934 book Art, asserts that “Art embraces all making…

What’s in a name?
What’s in a name?

That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet…

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