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Celf Creative

D e s i g n
f o r
g r o w t h .
W e
c r e a t e
p u r p o s e - d r i v e n
s o l u t i o n s
a c r o s s

Celf Creative is the integrated design agency that creates
transformational and lasting business value.

We live to craft timeless designs and campaigns that wastes nothing in achieving precisely what you need.

Real design that’s uncomplicated and uncompromising.
It’s our purpose and our passion.


We take immense pride in collaborating with charitable organisations, offering our support and expertise across Brand, Digital, 3D & Motion.


Our work within the sporting arena goes back beyond our inception.

We start by listening to what you want to achieve; understanding and testing your requirements.
That kick-starts our research into markets, customers, competitors and more.
We connect with your salespeople, your R&D, even patent lawyers, to gain insights.
This puts us inside the problem with all the context we need. 

Stage two is getting to the design brief, using all the intelligence from the discovery phase.
It’s a strategy that matches your proposition to the opportunity it addresses.
Inspiration is already flowing with greater purpose and focus.
We’re figuring out how to create value by making you stand out in a very specific way. 

Designing proper starts here. The ideas we’ve described are coming to life and taking bold new directions.
We present timeless concepts and refine them based on your feedback and our continued process of discovery. 

The penultimate stage is finalising designs and committing to the production process.
We plan and execute filming, photography, web and app development/build, print, reprographics, media buying, etc.
Getting everything geared up for launch. 

Delivery is all about launch and follow-on support.
Applying fanatical attention to detail to achieve agreed deadlines and put the design product live.
On projects with ongoing execution, this stage is cyclical – going above and beyond as part of your team, providing support, training and placement of campaigns.  

Medical, Dental, Healthcare & Manufacturing

With over twenty-five years of experience working in global medical and manufacturing sectors, we have gained invaluable insights into a wide range of products, processes, and regional marketing requirements.

Reason to cheer
Reason to cheer

Celebrating the season of International Rugby and International Women’s Day…

Art Work
Art Work

Eric Gill, in his 1934 book Art, asserts that “Art embraces all making…

What’s in a name?
What’s in a name?

That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet…

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