Penarth Lawn Tennis Club

Research / Brand Design / Brand Strategy

Established in 1884, PLTC is one of the oldest lawn tennis clubs in the UK attracting over 200 members in it’s first year.

The club was the location for the inaugural Welsh Tennis Championships, part the Men’s 1886 World Tour. The Club Pre- sident, The Right Honourable Lord Windsor, The Earl Of Plymouth providing the land, funding the erection of the Pavilion Clubhouse and providing the trophies*.

Celf creative has supported recent developments of the club by establishing a consistent brand vision and interior fit-out that has assisted with a continued level of growth in membership.

The Cardiff Times. June 19th 1886.

‘The institution of this meeting is primarily due to the energy and liberality of the Penarth Lawn Tennis Club and its president, Lord Windsor, who has proved a great benefactor to it, and through it to the game. The grounds of this club, which are very prettily situated, commanding as they do extensive views, including that of the Bristol Channel, is in the Rectory-road, Penarth, within an easy distance of the railway station.

Two years ago it was a rough untended field, but now it assumes the garb of fashionable nature, with its green well-kept lawns adorned by a handsome pavilion, the erection of which is also due to the worthy president of the club, who has expended some £12,000 in making the whole as perfect as it well can be’.

See more of our work for PLTC

See our 3D/CGI video and images for Penarth Lawn Tennis Club

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