What’s in a name?
“That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” William Shakespeare
Many of our clients—particularly those from overseas—have come to us through colleague recommendations, often for a specific service, without fully realising the breadth of what we offer.
Most ask, “Why Celf?”
Few are familiar with Wales, its rich Celtic heritage, or its unique language, and some are even unaware that Wales is part of the UK.
Simply put, “Celf” is the Welsh word for “art.”
As we continue to evolve, we have honed our skills to meet the diverse needs of our customers.
Now, nearly twenty five years on, we feel it’s time to focus a little bit more on ourselves, to tell our story—who we are and, more importantly, all that we do.
Our team reflects our commitment to diversity, with staff from Greece, Spain, Turkey, Malaysia, Germany, Portugal, England, and, of course, Wales.
This global blend enriches our perspective and the services we provide.
Art, Arte, Celf, Konst, Kunst, Sanat, Seni, Techni, Yishi.